Progress in Orthopedic Science. 2015;
Traumatic bilateral anterior glenohumeral dislocation . Should unsupervised training at local gym be allowed?
Hayat Ahmad Khan, Younis Kamal, Mohammad Ashraf Khan, Naseemul Gani, Munir Farooq, Adnan Zahoor
The wide range of motion provided by the shoulder complex allows the glenohumeral joint to be used as a stable fulcrum for placing the upper extremity at various positions in three-dimensional space. A consequence of this flexibility, however, is the propensity for the joint to become unstable. Shoulder joint mostly dislocates anteriorly but the bilateral dislocations are of rare occurance. Most of these are posterior. Bilateral anterior dislocations are of rare occurrence and only few cases are reported in English literature which are usually associated with fractures. We report this case of bilateral anterior shoulder dislocation due to hyperextension injury caused due to unsupervised open weight bench pressing without any associated fracture. Closed reduction was done under sedation uneventfully. Unsupervised training at the local gyms should be discouraged and proper equipment should be sought for these fitness training centres to prevent such injuries.